Combating Eating Disorders

Eating disorders such as bulimia, anorexia, or binge eating, are some of the most prevalent psychological illnesses among young people. If you, your friend, or one of your family members is suffering from an eating disorder, you need to take action. This entry will...

5 Ways to Build Resilience at Work

When people ask you to describe yourself, probably one of the first words or phrases that comes to mind is your occupation. The work we do exerts a powerful influence on our lives. It defines our daily routine, our perspectives, and the community we are in. Since work...

Depression: Companions on the Journey

One of our goals at My Resilience Gym is to provide connections to resources for dealing with various kinds of adversity. Depression is one of the most common challenges in today’s world. Whether you have encountered depression yourself or have a friend or loved...
My Right Foot: Resilience Practice

My Right Foot: Resilience Practice

A little over two weeks ago I stepped off a curb, my right foot twisted sideways, and I broke a bone (the base of the 5th metatarsal, for those of you who are curious!) I’m now wearing a boot on that foot, and can’t drive my car. Since I try to practice...
Working with Veterans: A Healing Practice

Working with Veterans: A Healing Practice

David Bothe is a friend of mine who does healing work with a wide range of people. He has recently started a nonprofit organization called Hope and Haven that, as part of its mission, provides healing services for veterans, trauma survivors, their families and...